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Guest Editorials in high impact IEEE Journals
- IEEE/OSA Special Issue on “White Boxes in Optical Networks”
Guest Editorial, 36 (15), 3058-3061, 1, 2018
OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
- Introduction to the Special Issue on Optical Networking for 5G Mobile and Wireless Communications
I Tomkos, F Effenberger, JKK Rhee
Guest Editorial, among the most downloaded recent JOCN files from IEEE Xplore. OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 8 (12), FGM1-FGM4, 2016
IEEE Communications Magazine
- Spatially and spectrally flexible elastic optical networking
Tomkos, I.; Miyamoto, Y.; Wellbrock, G.; Winzer, P.J.
IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume: 53, Issue: 2, Pages: 20 – 22, 2015
IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications
- Special Issue on “Next-Generation Spectrum-Efficient Optical Transport Networks"
Steven Shen, Ken-Ichi Sato, Jennifer Yates, Wong, Bill Shieh, Ioannis Tomkos
IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications, Special Issue on “Next-Generation Spectrum-Efficient Optical Transport Networks”, February 2013
IEEE/ACM “Proceedings of IEEE”
- The evolution of Optical networking
Ioannis Tomkos (Chief Editor), B. Mukherjee, R. Tucker, S. Korotky, L. Lunardi
Guest Editorial, IEEE/ACM “Proceedings of IEEE” (the most prestigious scientific journal in the entire field of Electrical Engineering), May 2012
IEEE “Networks Magazine”
- Next generation optical access networks
Ioannis Tomkos (Lead Editor), Leonid Kazovsky. K.-I. Kitayama
Guest Editorial, IEEE “Networks Magazine”, April 2012
Journal of Networks
- Transparent Optical Networks
Ioannis Tomkos and Marian Marciniac
Guest Editorial, Journal of Networks, 2010
IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology
- Converged optical network inftrastructures in support of future internet and grid services
Ioannis Tomkos (Lead Editor), P. Demester, B. Mukherjee, K.-I. Kitayama
Guest Editorial, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, June 2009
IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
- Next generation WDM-PON based optical access networks
Ioannis Tomkos
Guest Editorial, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Sep 2009
IEEE Network Magazine
- Cross-layer design in optical networks
Ioannis Tomkos, et.al.
Guest Editorial, IEEE Network Magazine, May 2009
Computer Networks Journal
- Towards Digital Optical Networks
Ioannis Tomkos (Lead Editor), Davide Careglio, Anna Tzanakaki, Josep Sole-Pareta
COST 291 special issue, Computer Networks Journal, 2008
Annale Des Telecommunications
- Modeling and simulation in optical networks design
De La Tocnaye JLD, Tomkos I., Joindot M
Guest Editorial, Annals of Telecommunications 62 (5-6): 515-517 May-Jun 2007
IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
- Optical Networks
Modiano E, Tomkos I, Xie SZ, Yoo SJB, Zah CE
Guest Editorial, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, October 2005
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