Presentations at Workshops

  • Ioannis Tomkos, Dimitrios Klonidis, “The role of fixed optical networking and the opportunities from joint FTTH/A co-deployment in the new 5G era”, OFC Workshop: BBF Broadband Access Summit, 2019
  • Ioannis Tomkos, José M. Rivas-Moscoso, Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, D. Klonidis, “Next Generation Flexible Optical Networks: What Comes After Today’s Commercial Offerings (and what can be the benefits?)”, Annual Next Generation Optical Networking, Acropolis, Nice, France; 06/2015
  • Ioannis Tomkos, et. al., French national Workshop on “Tecnologies for NG access networks”, March 2014.
  • Ioannis Tomkos, “Converged network infrastructures in support of advanced fixed and mobile services”, International workshop on “Wireline Next Generation Access (NGA) Network Technologies supporting future requirements of fixed and mobile users”, Athens, Greece, October 2013
  • I. Tomkos, “Cognitive flexible optical networking”, Korea-EU planning workshop on “Future Internet”, Sep 2013
  • I. Tomkos, “CHRON architecture”, ECOC’13 workshop on “Architectures and control for elastic optical networks”, Sep 2013
  • Yabin Ye, M. Angelou, I. Tomkos, “GMPLS Control Plane Extensions in the Framework of EU projects DICONET and CHRON”, ICC 2012, Workshop on Telecommunications: From Research to Standards
  • I. Tomkos, et. al. “OFDM-PONs: Results from EU project ACCORDANCE”, OFC 2012 workshop, March 2012
  • P. Vetter, K. Kanonakis, I. Tomkos, “Energy-efficient Next Generation PONs”, ICC 2012, Workshop on Telecommunications: From Research to Standards
  • P. Kourtessis, and I. Tomkos “Wireless backhauling over OFDMA-PONS: The ACCORDANCE scenario”, OFC 2012 workshop, March 2012
  • I. Tomkos, K. Christodoulopoulos, D. Klonidis. M. Angelou and M. Varvarigos, “The value of flexible optical networking”, OFC 2012 workshop, March 2012
  • I. Tomkos, “GreenTouch: Researching the techniques to achieve an 100-fold increase in energy efficiency of telecommunication networks”, 3rd Green ICT Conference, Greece, May 2011
  • Ioannis Tomkos and Konstantinos Kanonakis, “Overview of NGA Technologies”, Next Generation Access Workshop, FTTH Europe Council Conference, Milan, Italy, Feb 2011
  • Ioannis Tomkos, “Business case studies on the basis of techno-economic analysis for next generation access networks”, CreateNet workshop on NGA deployments, 2011.
  • E. Giacoumidis, J. Tang, I. Tomkos, “Transmission Performance of Optical Fast-OFDM in MMF-Based Links”, Workshop on “Activities and perspectives of EURO-FOS concept”, paper P07, 28 March 2011
  • I. Chatzi, I. Tomkos, “Hybrid WDM/TDM scablabe ring based PON with in-line remote amplification”, Workshop on “Activities and perspectives of EURO-FOS concept”, paper P16, 28 March 2011
  • Konstantinos Kanonakis and Ioannis Tomkos, “MAC protocol design/implementation and dynamic bandwidth assignment issues in OFDMA-PONs”, Future Network & Mobile Summit 2011
  • I. Tomkos, K. Kanonakis, et. al., “OFDMA-PON: A solution for supporting converged wireline-wireless access networks”, OFC 2011 workshop on “Wireline-wireless convergence”, Los Angeles, USA, 2011
  • Wansu Lim, Pandelis Kourtessis, Konstantinos Kanonakis, Ioannis Tomkos, “Dynamic Subcarrier Allocation Issues in the ACCORDANCE OFDMA-PON Network“, Workshop on next generation optical access networks research, FTTH Council Rurope Conference, February 8th, 2011, Milan, Italy
  • Josep Prat, Risto Soila, Spiros Spirou, Jose Lázaro, Antonio Teixeira, Giorgio Tosi Beleffi, Ioannis Tomkos, “Final practical results of the SARDANA project”, Workshop on next generation optical access networks research, FTTH Council Rurope Conference, February 8th, 2011, Milan, Italy
  • Thanasis Kavatzikidis, Elias Giacoumidis, Ioannis Tomkos, Ivan Cano, Maria C. Santos, Josep Prat, “Performance Study of Optical OFDM for Long-Reach Ultra-High Speed Access Networks”, Workshop on next generation optical access networks research, FTTH Council Rurope Conference, February 8th, 2011, Milan, Italy
  • Salvatore Spadaro and Ioannis Tomkos, “Lessons learned from the development of an impairment aware control plane for dynamic optical networks”, Workshop on “Control plane evolution in metro and core networks” co-located with ONDM 2011
  • K. Kanonakis and I. Tomkos, “OFDMA-PON: A solution for NG optical and converged access networks” Broadnets 2010 workshop on “Next Generation Optical Access Networks”, Athens, Greece, 2010
  • I. Tomkos, “Next generation optical access network architectures and technologies”, 2nd Albanian Telecom Forum, 2010
  • Marianna Angelou, Ioannis Tomkos, “The benefits of an impairment aware dynamic optical network solution: a techno-economic study”, Broadnets, October 2010
  • Kostas Christodoulopoulos, Ioannis Tomkos, Manos Varvarigos, “Elastic Bandwidth Allocation in Flexible OFDM-based Optical Networks”, Broadnets, October 2010
  • Ignacio De Miguel, Ioannis Tomkos, Broadnets, October 2010.
  • Ioannis Tomkos, “The case for state intervention/aid in FTTH deployments”, Conference on “State aid & Development”, Athens, October 6th, 2010
  • Ioannis Tomkos, “Fiber to the home based next generation access networks”, Athens Digital Week, Oct 2010
  • Ioannis Tomkos, “Investing in optical fiber broadband infrastructure: the needs and the benefits”, 2nd Albanian Telecom Forum, Nov 2010
  • I. Tomkos and S. Azodolmolky, “Operational Aspects of Physical Impairments Aware Dynamic Optical Networking”, ECOC 2010 workshop on “Operationalizing Dynamic Transport Networks”, Turin, Italy, 2010
  • I. Tomkos and K. Kanonakis, “Architectural and MAC layer issues for a converged OFDM-PON based access network: The ACCORDANCE project perspective” ECOC 2010 workshop on “Next Generation Optical Access Networks: Architectures Technology and Systems”, Turin, Italy, 2010
  • I. Tomkos, “Next generation network infrastructures as an enabler for advanced service offerings”, Financial Times’ “Telecommunications, Media & Technology” Conference, Greece, May 2010
  • I. Tomkos, “Challenges and Research Trends for Eco-Sustainable Information and Communication Technologies”, Green ICT Foum, Greece, May 2010
  • I. Tomkos, “FTTx: what “x” makes sense to be and under what circumstances?”, Cisco Expo, Greece, April 2010
  • I. Tomkos, “Is impairment aware routing in all-optical networks useful?”, OFC 2010 workshop on “Are all-optical networks manageable?”
  • I. Tomkos, “Dynamic Converged Optical Networking”, OFC 2010 workshop on “Dynamic Converged Optical Networking”
  • I. Tomkos, Y. Pointurier, S. Azodolmolky, M. Eiselt, T. Zami, R. Piesiewicz, C.V. Saradhi, M. Gunkel, U. Mahlab, M. Chen, Y. Ye, M. Pickavet, M. Gagnaire, E. Varvarigos, J. Solé Pareta, R. Nejabati, Y. Qin, and D. Simeonidou, “DICONET: future generation transparent networking with dynamic impairment awareness”, The Future of the Internet EU Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 11-13 May 2009.
  • S. Azodolmolky, Ch. Tsekrekos, Th. Papachristos and I. Tomkos, “Optical Technologies in support of networks and users in motion”, Workshop on photonic solutions for wireless, access and in-house networks, IPHOBAC workshop, Germany, 2009
  • J.-C. Point and I. Tomkos, “Cross-layer optimization in core and converged wireless/wireline networks”, CaON meeting, 2009
  • I. Tomkos and E. Kehayas, EURO-FOS Workshop on Photonic Systems, ICTON 2009
  • Ioannis Tomkos, “Next generation networks”, (Keynote talk), InfoCom Conference, 2008, Greece
  • Ioannis Tomkos, Yvan Pointurier, “An introduction to Unified Communications”, Digital Technology Expo, November 2008, Athens, Greece
  • Ioannis Tomkos, “Optimizing the investments in optical access networks deployments”, Digital Cities Event, October 2008, Athens, Greece
  • Ioannis Tomkos, “Maximizing the ruturn on investment from next generation access networks deployments”, Broadband Cities Conference, October 2008, Greece
  • Ioannis Tomkos, “FTTH: state of the art and future trends”, Workshop on “FTTx: Architectures, technologies, business and economic aspects”, April 11th 2008, Greece
  • Ioannis Tomkos; “Dynamic impairment constraint optical networking: the activities of DICONET EU project”, OFC 2008 workshop on network planning tools
  • I. Tomkos, “Trends in evolution of broadband services”, 4th Telecommunications Forum, Athens, Greece, Mar 2007.
  • I. Tomkos, “A BReATH project case study: WiMax network deployment in Greece”, BReATH workshop on promoting broadband in NMS EU countries, Geneva, Dec 2006.
  • I. Tomkos and S. Sygletos, “Q-factor modeling and monitoring: Enabling impairment constraint routing in mesh optical networks”, ECOC 2006 Workshop on “WDM system performance evaluation for network design and planning”, Cannes, France.
  • I. Tomkos, “Research and Innovation on broadband networks and services: The situation in Greece”, 8th Greek ICT Forum, Athens, Greece, Oct 2006.
  • I. Tomkos, “Promoting broadband in NMS EU countries and Greece”, BReATH workshop on promoting broadband in NMS EU countries and Greece, Athens, Greece, Sep 2006
  • I. Tomkos, “Broadband development and approaches in Greece: the case of Athens network”, Slovenia, April 5th, 2006.
  • I. Tomkos, “Intermediate findings of BREATH project on technoeconomic analysis for broadband access networks”, Brusells, March 22nd, 2006.
  • I. Tomkos, “Optical access network technologies and architectures”, Workshop organized by NTUA, Athens, Feb 2006
  • I. Tomkos, “Broadband Optical Networks: State of the art and trends”, Workshop organized by TEE, January 2006
  • I. Tomkos, “Methodology for techno-economic evaluation of business plans for broadband access networks”, 3rd Telecommunications Forum, Athens, Dec 2005
  • Ch. Kouloumentas, A. Barlas, A. Tzanakaki, and I. Tomkos, “Performance Evaluation of 2R regenerator based on SPM in HNL fibers”, Workshop on “Design of next generation optical networks”, Belgium, 2006
  • S. Zsigmond, A. Szodenyi, B. Megyer, T. Cinkler, A. Tzanakaki and I. Tomkos, “Physical layer impairments in multilayer routing”, Workshop on “Design of next generation optical networks”, Belgium, 2006
  • I. Tomkos, “Value analysis methodology in the framework of the BReATH project”, Broadband for All spronsored workshop on “Technoeconomics for Broadband networks”, Brusells, September 23rd, 2005.
  • I. Tomkos, “Broadband Optical Networks”, (Invited lecture), EESTEC workshop, Athens, April 2005
  • P. Thysebaert, B. Volckaert, M. De Leenheer, E. Van Breusegem, F. De Turck, B. Dhoedt, D. Simeonidou, M. J. O’ Mahony, R. Nejabati, A. Tzanakaki, I. Tomkos, “Towards consumer-oriented photonic Grids”, ECOC2004 workshop on “Optical Infrastructures for Computing Grid Applications”, September 2004
  • M. De Leenheer, E. Van Breusegem, P. Thysebaert, B. Volckaert, F. De Turck, B. Dhoedt, P. Demeester, D. Simeonidou, M. J. O’ Mahony, R. Nejabati, A. Tzanakaki, I. Tomkos, An OBS-based Grid Architecture, Globecom2004 workshop on “High Speed Global Grid Networks”, December 2004
  • A. Tzanakaki and I. Tomkos, “Optical Networking Technologies to Host Grids”, ECOC2004 workshop on “Optical Infrastructures for Computing Grid Applications”, September 2004
  • Dan Owens, Anna Tzanakaki, Ioannis Tomkos, “All-optical flip-flop implementations and characterization”, presented by Ioannis Zacharopoulos, October 17-20, 2004 (Roma), Joint Workshop COST P11 and COST 288, “Physics of linear, non-linear and active photonic crystals”
  • I. Tomkos, “Overcoming the limitations in transparent optical networks”, IST OPTIMIST/COST 266 Workshop, Invited talk, February 2003, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Dan Owens, Anna Tzanakaki and Ioannis Tomkos, “All-optical flip-flop implementations and characterization”, COST 288 workshop, 2004
  • I. Tomkos, “Challenges for transparent optical communication networks”, COST 266 Workshop, Invited talk, October 2002, Rome, Italy.
  • Ι.Tomkos, I. Zacharopoulos, D.Syvridis “Wave mixing in semiconductor devices for optical signal processing applications”, COST267 Workshop on semiconductor devices for optical signal processing, 22-24 April 1999, Rome.
  • D.Syvridis, I. Tomkos, I. Zacharopoulos, “Dual pump wave mixing: Polarization Sensitivity or Enhanced Performance”, ACTS Projects, Photonics domain workshop on WDM networks and related technologies, 6-8 May 1998, Brussels
  • I.Tomkos, I. Zacharopoulos, D.Syvridis, “Wavelength conversion using semiconductor optical amplifiers”, Conference on New Developments in Physics, Ancient Olympia, Greece, 1999
  • I. Zacharopoulos, I.Tomkos, D.Syvridis, “Dispersion compensation using mid span spectral inversion”, Conference on New Developments in Physics, Ancient Olympia, Greece, 1999
  • I.Tomkos, I. Zacharopoulos, D.Syvridis, “Terahertz four wave mixing in semiconductor optical amplifiers. Experimental and theoretical results”, HCM GIGA-PICO workshop 16-17 April 1997, Rhodes, Greece