- A Broadcast and Select OADM optical network with channel-by-channel dedicated optical protection
J.-K. Rhee, I. Tomkos, M.-J. Li
IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, January 2002
I. Tomkos, R. Hesse, C. Friedman, N. Antoniades, N. Madamopoulos, B. Hallock, R. Vodhanel, A. Boskovic
IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, May 2002
- Impact of fiber nonlinearities in transmission over negative dispersion fibers when using chirped transmitters
R. Gutierez, A. Filios, I. Tomkos, A. Kruse, T. Kennedy, and R. Vodhanel
Optics Communications
- Filter concatenation penalties for 10Gb/s sources suitable for WDM metropolitan area networks
I. Tomkos, J.-K. Rhee, P. Iydrose, R. Hesse, R. Vodhanel, A. Boskovic
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 564-566, Apr. 2002
I. Tomkos, R. Hesse, R. Vodhanel, A. Boskovic
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 408–410, March 2002
- Impact of filter concatenation effects in metropolitan area systems utilizing directly modulated lasers
J. Downie, I. Tomkos, N. Antoniades, A. Boskovic, I. Roudas
IEEE/LEOS Journal of Lightwave Technology, February 2002
- Performance of DWDM Metro area interconnected rings network architecture
N. Antoniades, A. Boskovic, I. Tomkos, N. Madamopoulos, J.K. Rhee, J. Downie, I. Roudas, M. Yadlowsky
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on WDM Based Network Architectures, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 149-165, Jan. 2002
- Performance evaluation of a transparent reconfigurable metropolitan network under static and dynamic traffic
N. Madamopoulos, C. Friedman, I. Tomkos, N. Antoniades, A. Boskovic
IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology
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