I. Tomkos, J. Conradi, D. Chowdhury, D. Culverhouse, C. Giroux, K. Ennser, B. Hallock, T.Kennedy, A. Kruse, I. Roudas, M. Sharma, A. Boskovic, R. S. Vodhanel
Special Issue on specialty fibers, IEEE/LEOS Journal on Selected topics in Quantum Electronics, May/June 2001. Winner of the 2001 Corning Research Outstanding Publication Award
I. Tomkos, B. Hallock, I. Roudas, R. Hesse, A. Boskovic and R. Vodhanel
IEEE Photonics Tech. Lett, vol. 13, No. 7, pp. 735 –737, July 2001
I. Tomkos, R. Hesse, N. Antoniades and A. Boskovic
IEEE Photonics Technology Lett, vol. 13, No. 9, September, 2001
- Measurements of laser rate equations parameters for representative simulations of 2.5Gb/s Metro area IM/DD transmission systems and networks
I. Tomkos, I. Roudas, A. Boskovic, R. Hesse, N. Antoniades and R. Vodhanel
Optics Communications, Vol. 194, Issue 1-3, pp. 109-129, July 2001
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